Saturday, April 16, 2011

WWF Re-Design by Arthur Steen Horne Adamson

Stunning weather charts...who knew!?

CLEVER°FRANKE, a design agency out of Utrect produces an annual weather chart and they recently produced the chart for 2011. Each day is represented by a pie chart, with each days most eminent weather condition readily visible. Here is a quote from C°F explaining the posters much better than I ever could:

"We did this by showing the angle of the ‘pie piece’ in relation to the other weather elements and the deviation in comparison to the absolute average of 2010. This way each day of 2010 can quickly be defined as sunny, rainy, or windy, something the Dutch love to complain about!"

Images from C°F.

Fun with labels

The other day after work, I started rummaging through the supply closet for a glue-stick and I stumbled upon these fun self-adhesive labels and some other goodies. It was lots of fun playing with these labels, so many things you can do!

Similar to correction tape, the letters are added by rubbing down enough to peel away from the transparencey

Some experimentation

More experimentation

I also found this old no-smoking icon, which I loved! Reminded me of Otto Neurath's isotype designs.

So great, vintage Danish icon design.

Hyperakt PSD Video

While browsing through one of my favorite sites, Brand New I stumbled upon the work of Hyperakt, a spectacular Brooklyn-based design firm. I was especially drawn to the video designed for Adobe; to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the adobe program, Photoshop. The video touches upon the desire to utilize some of Photoshop's oh so helpful tools in real, every day life. Before I spill too much, check out the video for yourself! PSD is Hyperakt's first, and hats off to them.
Some promotional T-Shirts Hyperakt designed and had viewers vote on.

Stills from the video.