Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tivoli Posters

So after visiting Tivoli amusement park, I was hugely inspired by the elaborate display type, funky posters, and vintage signage. I started to do a little searching and stumbled upon this great archive of mostly all the posters that have been designed for Tivoli each year. I pulled a few that struck me. Below I added the name of the artist/illustrator. Take a look at these works of art!

Ebbe Sadolin 1980
Franz Sedivy 1913

Lars Bo 1979

Helge Refn 1985

Thor Bõgelund-Jensen 1956

Thor Bõgelund-Jensen 1938

bjõrn wiinblad 1981

Poul Holck 2008

Poul Holck 2008, detail.

Thor Bõgelund 1952

Arne Ungermann 1945


Bent Holstein 1983

Ingela Arrhenius 2005
Valdemar Andersen 1911

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